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The global small home appliance market continues to grow in 2021, and the small home appliance industry is full of opportunities

2021-04-19 管理员 Read 2181

Due to "well-known" reasons, people from all over the world spend more time at home, and this has also spurred the "home economy". In particular, the demand for small household appliances for kitchen appliances, cleaning and personal care products has increased greatly. Obviously, coupled with the continuous emergence of new categories, the market scale continues to grow.

According to Statista data, the total revenue of the global household appliance market will reach 560.6 billion U.S. dollars in 2021, of which the field of small household appliances is expected to reach 216.399 billion U.S. dollars. It is estimated that from 2021 to 2025, the world will increase at a consistent growth rate of 2% per year.

In fact, in my country, the small home appliance market, as an emerging market, has a very eye-catching growth performance.

According to the "Report on China's Home Appliance Market in the First Half of 2020" issued by the China Electronics Information Industry Development Research Institute, the retail sales of my country's home appliance market in the first half of the year was 369 billion yuan, a decrease of 14.13% over the same period last year. However, the domestic small home appliance industry performed well, with online retail sales of 78 billion yuan, up 12.4% year-on-year, withstanding the pressure of the epidemic.

According to Statista data, the current domestic small home appliance market revenue is US$47.177 billion, accounting for only about one-fifth of the global market. The compound average growth rate from 2021 to 2025 is expected to be 0.96%, which is far lower than the global average growth level. Technology China's small home appliances market has a very broad market prospects.

In addition, according to related reports, the number of small household appliances in the United States is 31.5, ranking first in the world; other developed countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and other developed countries, the number of small household appliances is between 20-30, which is relatively high. Level. However, in my country's households, the number of small appliances is only 9.5, which is not a small gap compared with developed countries. Therefore, the development space is very large.

Therefore, the future growth of my country's small home appliance market will be very eye-catching. How should my country's home appliance brands lay out or go overseas?

Fashionable and healthy small home appliances

According to data, in 2020, among the global consumers of small home appliances, consumers in the 16-34 segment accounted for 64.5%, among which consumers aged 25-34 accounted for the highest proportion, accounting for 33.1%. Consumers in this part of the age group constitute the main consumer in the small home appliance market. Their characteristics are strong brand awareness, and they have very high requirements for the appearance and performance of the products.

Young users have very high requirements for the appearance of small home appliances. Young users are pursuing the quality of life, and they also have higher requirements for the colors in their lives, especially the cookie-cutter white goods, which are not what young consumer groups want. Therefore, in the development of the small home appliance industry in recent years, the small home appliance products have become younger and more fashionable.

In addition, during the epidemic, people's attention to the products of healthy small home appliances has increased significantly. In particular, small household appliances that are closely related to health have achieved counter-trend growth, and people's demand for healthy small household appliances has also increased day by day.

Therefore, whether it is the layout of the small home appliance market or going overseas, fashionable and healthy small home appliances will become the focus of the layout.

Intelligent and diversified small household appliances

Modern people have diversified lifestyles and richer home life scenes. People have more requirements for comfortable homes, entertainment and leisure, finely controlled cooking, and home cleaning. Products with a single function can no longer meet. At the same time, with the advent of the intelligent era, consumers have also put forward higher requirements for the intelligentization of small household appliances.